Quatro ceiling lamp LED Square 50cm 3000K light warm white 28w 2800 LMS

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Manufacturer:  Mantra   Collection:   Quatro

Quatro is a collection featuring items with an irregular square, topped with rounded edges and comes in three different sizes units and each other, but with barely 10cm tall. With tinted plastic injec ... Read more

Price: Discontinued

Quatro is a collection featuring items with an irregular square, topped with rounded edges and comes in three different sizes units and each other, but with barely 10cm tall. With tinted plastic injection inwardly diffusers to distribute light evenly and efficiently developing its interior points 3000k LED installation hue, providing different chords light output with different sizes

Mantra Quatro

LED 1x28W 5500K 2800lm - 220/240V
Difusor Acrílico - Acrilic Diffuser
LED 1x18W 3000K 1800lm - 220/240V
Difusor Acrílico - Acrilic Diffuser
LED 1x10W 3000K 1000lm - 220/240V
Difusor Acrílico - Acrilic Diffuser
LED 1x28W 3000K 2800lm - 220/240V
Difusor Acrílico - Acrilic Diffuser
LED 1x18W 5500K 1800lm - 220/240V
Difusor Acrílico - Acrilic Diffuser
LED 1x10W 5500K 1000lm - 220/240V
Difusor Acrílico - Acrilic Diffuser

Quatro ceiling lamp LED Square 50cm 3000K light warm white 28w 2800 LMS Mantra Image

Technical Data

Power Consumption

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