Deep Ringo Recessed ø8,1cm LED 1x7w 2700K Reflector 33º CRI>80 white

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Manufacturer:  Delta Light   Collection:   Deep Ringo

ON COLLECTION Collection Deep Ringo, made by Delta Light. Downlight Fixed downlight place. The device meets the CE-standard and belongs to class III of AREI.Degree of protection IP20. Recessed ceiling ... Read more

Price: Discontinued

Deep Ringo Recessed ø8,1cm LED 1x7w 2700K Reflector 33º CRI>80 white Delta Light ImageON COLLECTION

Collection Deep Ringo, made by Delta Light. Downlight Fixed Downlight place. The device meets the CE-standard and belongs to class III of AREI.

Degree of protection IP20. Recessed ceiling spotlight with a close fit. The light has been lowered 30 mm in the luminaire.

The shaft tapers towards the light. The device is clipped to the ceiling by means of torsion springs for hollow walls.

Deep Ringo Recessed ø8,1cm LED 1x7w 2700K Reflector 33º CRI>80 white is the most suitable for a professional and high quality lighting fixture

Deep Ringo S LED Recessed

790mm Reflector LED Recessed S1 33rd
* S1- With springs for use in false ceilings
790mm Reflector LED Recessed S2 * S2
33rd - With springs for use in concrete ceilings

Gold Matte

Bulbs (depending on the model):
7W LED CRI> 80 2700th included
7W LED CRI> 90 2700th included
7W LED CRI> 80 3000º including
7W LED CRI> 90 3000º including
Option on demand 4000K LED

Deep Ringo LED Recessed

diameter 810mm Reflector LED Recessed 33rd

Gold Matte

Bulbs (depending on the model):
7W LED CRI> 80 2700th included
7W LED CRI> 90 2700th included
7W LED CRI> 80 3000º including
7W LED CRI> 90 3000º including
Option 4000K LED on-Demand

Deep Ringo S1

Model: Recessed
S1 * S1 820mm diameter - With springs for use in false ceilings


Bulbs (depending on the model):
1xQR-C51 max. 50W

Deep Ringo Recessed ø8,1cm LED 1x7w 2700K Reflector 33º CRI>80 white Delta Light Image

Technical Data

Power Consumption

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