Folio M 3245 Table Lamp Anodized Blue noche

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Designer:   Pablo Figuera

Manufacturer:  Estiluz   Collection:   Folio

Simple, discreet and at the same time elegant. That"s Folio. Actually, its structure consists of a single piece of anodized aluminum folded to give a simple and functional style for interior light ... Read more

Price: Discontinued

Folio M 3245 Table Lamp Anodized Blue noche Estiluz Image Simple, discreet and at the same time elegant. That"s Folio. Actually, its structure consists of a single piece of anodized aluminum folded to give a simple and functional style for interior lighting design finest


Pablo Figuera has been responsible for the collaboration between companies and Boo in Barcelona Estiluz that have joined forces to co-production of Folio. In it the expertise in manufacturing and finishing anodized aluminum by Boo in Barcelona and the contribution of more than forty years of experience dedicated to Estiluz decorative lighting design combine.

Folio is a special lamp for a very personal space . Because on a desk we can find many things. For him pass papers, books, invoices, computers, pencils... But we can not conceive without a corresponding table lamp. Usually, we choose a design in keeping with the environment, but also a design that pleases us, listen to us... because, how often thought aloud while working at a desk ? How many thoughts go through your head we ? How many ideas arise? Our lamp always faithful , is witness to it all.

table objects change, but there remains table lamp, illuminating, giving warmth, but also support and companionship. In fact, many people keep their desk lamp for a long time, resisting changes in housing, work, and even small decorative style accidents. Why? Because actually the table lamp illuminates our experiences very closely and for many hours.
And you, do you have attached to yours?

About manufacturer

Gerard Masdeu Jorda , young entrepreneur with great vision and sense of design, with the mechanical experience of his father and the help of his brother, founded in 1969 Estiluz:a small business workshop in Sant Joan de les Abadesses in Girona (Spain).

From its origins, Estiluz specializes in the design, development, manufacture and distribution of high-end decorative lighting. Its elegant and functional designs, the timelessness of their designs, quality materials and finishes and engineering of their products placed company Estiluz global leader in the sector lighting. Currently has sales subsidiaries in Paris (1991), New York (1993) and Frankfurt (2002) .

Folio desktop

- Desktop LED bulb (model 3245)

Ref xxxxx11xx --- night blue anodized
Ref xxxxx10xx --- anodized

3000 º K LED 13W 350mA 230V 1055 Lumens

Folio M 3245 Table Lamp Anodized Blue noche Estiluz Image

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